New Pathfinder Club Defines Purpose

The Lacey (Wash.) Church needed a Pathfinder club, and church members Edward and Jennifer Case took on this challenge about a year ago.

Jennifer Case attended a camp meeting class, How to Start a Pathfinder Club. Armed with a mountain of information, the Cases presented their request to the church board, which unanimously voted to start a club.

The leaders recruited Pathfinders and staff through pulpit presentations, personal invitations, an interest meeting, and a charity car wash. On registration day, 17 Pathfinders and 11 volunteer staff members signed up.

The newly formed club filled the next two months with a Pathfinder induction service, club meetings, attending their first Pathfinder camporee, searching for a club name, and assisting with the church's evangelistic meetings.

During the evangelistic meetings, a Pathfinder shared how she had made a decision at Sunset Lake Camp (Wilkeson, Wash.) to be baptized. The big surprise: The Pathfinder interested in baptism was the leaders' own daughter, Stephanie.

Steve Shipowick, Lacey pastor, began a baptismal class for interested Pathfinders following twice-monthly club meetings. Faith Jordan, daughter of Dwight and Carol Jordan of Lacey, Wash., went through the class and soon requested baptism as well.

"The whole reason for the Pathfinder club is to help lead kids to Christ and then have them share Christ with others," says Edward Case, Lacey Pathfinder director.

The Lacey Church named their new Swordbearers Pathfinder Club in honor of the two newest church members who bear Bible truth as their sword in their recent public decisions to follow Christ.

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Featured in: June 2012
