
Prayers for Chaplains

The June 2012 GLEANER was exceptional from beginning to end. The report on Adventist chaplains added to my prayer list — both a thank-you to God for their services and for His wisdom to continue guiding them. I was inspired by all those spending heartfelt witness in one form or another. Having labored there, reports each month from Alaska and Montana get our special interest and prayers. Let's Talk, a favorite of all issues, always gives me a smile and a challenge.

Velma Beavon, Dayton, Montana

Why Celebrate Easter?

Regarding the June issue and the article regarding Easter outreach events, I wish to pose one question. Why are these events held on the Easter weekend? We all know that Easter is a pagan holiday and has an idol worship background.

Irene Lyon, Silverlake, Washington

Note from the Editors: Similar questions have been raised about Christmas and the origins of some of its traditions. Ellen White did speak out against the inordinate celebration of Easter (see The Great Controversy, pp. 386–387). However, the world church has seen fit to leave this particular area of concern to local church discretion. All such Adventist pageants and commemorations of which we are aware are carefully focused on the joy of a risen Lord. This belief, at the core of Adventist theology, is something we share with many other Christian denominations.

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Featured in: August 2012
