Youth Rush Knocks on 200,000 Western Washington Doors

Two Youth Rush participants knocked on a Bellevue, Wash., door this summer and began talking with a lady who wasn't initially interested in buying anything. When she found out they had Christian books, they began a longer conversation.

Midway through the canvass, she turned and picked up from her desk a very old copy of The Desire of Ages that she bought 30 years ago at a garage sale and had read countless times since then. She selected Steps to Christ and Christ's Object Lessons to add to her library and welcomed prayer for her spiritual growth.

Youth Rush is a student literature ministries program that has been a part of Washington Conference since the summer of 2010.

Each summer young people experience the power of God as they go from door to door in the cities and towns of western Washington. The books, and now three DVDs, students carry cover a range of topics including health, spiritual growth and moral values for children.

Made possible by a generous donation, Youth Rush expanded this summer to include two locations involving 46 young people. Youth Rush teams visited 153 towns and knocked on 200,000 doors. The teams distributed more than 76,000 pieces of literature, left 22,210 books in homes for donations and received $190,000 in donations (with $130,000 applied to funding Adventist education).

Read the full Youth Rush 2012 report online at

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Featured in: October 2012


John Miller

Washington Conference literature ministries coordinator