Image Credit: Gerry Chudleigh

Northwest Groups Garner Six Communication Awards

The North Pacific Union Conference GLEANER received two Best in Class awards during the 2013 Society of Adventist Communicators convention held Oct. 24–26 in Salt Lake City, Utah. These awards, selected by peer review from all entries submitted across North America, gave special recognition to the weekly GleanerNOW! as best electronic newsletter. They also selected the September 2012 issue of the GLEANER featuring the interview with Wayne Blakely, “A Question of Identity,” as the best magazine feature, with that issue's cover gaining an Honorable Mention. Walla Walla University's Westwind magazine and The Collegian student newspaper also won Best in Class awards, as did KEEH Positive Life Radio 104.9 FM for its Truth audio spots.

(First photo) Desiree Lockwood, GLEANER project manager, here accepts one of the GLEANER awards from George Johnson, North American Division communication director, and Kimberly Maran, Society of Adventist Communicators president.

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Featured in: December 2013


Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019