Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

Elders Called to Be Faithful, Focused and Friendly

Washington Conference hosted its first-ever elders’ retreat in February with more than 100 church elders in attendance.

“We want our elders to understand that they are part of our ministry team,” says Bill McClendon, Washington Conference vice president for church growth. “Elders serve a crucial role in providing leadership to the local church. In order for the church to reach its greatest potential, elders must be willing to live out their God-given calling.”

Dan Serns, pastor and retreat presenter from Richardson, Texas, shared with church elders how “every leader needs to be faithful, focused and friendly.”

Serns led elders through a series of interactive activities through which they shared how God brought them to this place in life. The storytelling exercise was eye-opening and introduced elders to the power of a personal story.

“Your church is full of stories,” Serns says. “You need to find and share these stories with your congregation. These stories will transform and strengthen your church."

The two-day retreat of inspiration, practical training and fellowship began on Saturday afternoon and concluded on Sunday afternoon to allow elders to fulfill their ministry responsibilities at their respective churches.

The retreat also introduced an elders’ leadership certification program with modules for visitation, preaching, leadership, Bible studies, evangelism, worship and church organization.

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Featured in: April 2014
