Image Credit: Artgen Clemencia

'Ain't Nobody Asleep' for AAA Week of Prayer

It’s become a cultural sign of teenagers paying attention when cell phones are pocketed to listen to a presentation.

No phones were out and no voices were heard during Auburn Adventist Academy’s (AAA) week of prayer as Ron Sydney, an international speaker and pastor at All Nations Church in Federal Way, spoke.

In his week-long presentation, he preached heavy and tough topics with which young people could relate using Biblical messages. 

“I really like how he presents Bible lessons in a new light,” says Emily Ellis, associated student body spiritual vice president.

Sydney talked about “playing” with temptation, how much God values us and victory through Jesus Christ.

“I’ve learned that Satan desires us, not wants or needs us. He wants to put us permanently on his side, not God’s side,” says Jordan Hauge, a freshman from Tacoma.

“God knows every detail about you, and He still loves you,” says Mya Busick, a freshman from Graham. 

The energy, enthusiasm and humor Sydney brings capture everybody’s attention. “Everyone is at the edge of their seats, man … . Ain’t nobody asleep,” says Ahsan Rogers, a sophomore from Puyallup. 

During an altar call made on Thursday, the majority of the students came forward. They really connected with the message that no matter what their past has been, God doesn’t condemn and He accepts people where they are. The week of prayer concluded with a day of service in the community and a church service during which Sydney challenged teenagers and adults to “dig deeper” in God’s Word.

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Featured in: November 2014
