Regional Ministry Clarifies Purpose, Recommends Leader

After months of meetings and hours of discussion interspersed with moments of prayer, the Regional Advisory Committee fulfilled a multilevel mission and visioning process by selecting a leader to represent African American churches in the ministry activities of Washington Conference.

The committee ultimately decided to recommend EuGene Lewis to serve in this role and worked together to redefine the associated roles, responsibilities and expectations for the coalition of churches, the conference and the union.

Official Voice

The Regional Advisory Committee allows all six African American churches in the Seattle area to have a voice and invested contribution to the mission and ministry of regional churches.

Church head elders and pastors are trained to listen to concerns or questions, and respond by taking the matter to the church board (if it is a local matter) or to the Regional Advisory Committee (if it is a larger matter). Based on the issue or complaint, the committee can elect to involve the conference or the union through requesting resources, coaching or additional mediation.

Team Approach

The Regional Advisory Committee formed in 2014 after constituents referred the selection of a regional ministries leader back to the Washington Conference executive committee.

In the first 18 months, of the Regional Advisory Committee, the mandate from the executive committee was threefold: define a joint mission for African American churches, address communication barriers between churches and recommend a new regional ministries coordinator.

The mission conversation yielded seven areas of passionate spirituality for fulfilling the Great Commission: Christ-empowering leadership, life-transforming worship, community-impacting ministries, kingdom-building evangelism, seeker-supporting discipleship, love-enhancing fellowship and growth-producing ministries.

The team leadership approach allows the committee to support and guide churches in fostering proactive unity and improve communication between regional churches.

As disciples of Christ, the leaders associated with the Regional Advisory Committee give voice to the needs of the African American church community and serve as team members to promote respect and awareness of cultural heritage while seeking to grow this faith community.

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Featured in: February 2016