Image Credit: David Henry

Young Adults Gather for '#TinderTimes'

If you have to ask what “Tinder” is, you’re probably not using social media to find a date. Taken from the name of the popular dating app, #TinderTimes was a dating, love and marriage “life conversation” for young adults hosted by the Renton Church on Feb. 20.

“#TinderTimes is a commentary on the state of relationships today,” says Randy Maxwell, Renton Church pastor, who will soon be releasing a new book, Lovestrong: Breakthrough to the Relationship of Your Dreams. “We wanted to dialogue about the challenges of maintaining God-honoring relationships in our casual ‘hook-up’ culture.”

Young-adult leader and church elder Samuel Nimako-Mensah organized the event. “#TinderTimes was an idea born out of an impromptu brainstorming session with our young adults at Renton Church. We noticed a keen interest in topics relating to love, dating and marriage. So we decided to organize #TinderTimes to give our young adults an opportunity to share openly and challenge society’s views on relationships with biblically based principles.”

More than 50 young adults turned out to grapple with issues like loneliness, finding the “right one,” sexual temptation and expectations, and contentment.

“I would love to see more events like this,” says Chanel Treadwell, a young-adult leader, “because it provides a safe place for [us] to ask those deeper questions and receive quality, Bible-based answers.”

Other life conversations like these are being planned. Follow the Renton Church Facebook page for the next scheduled event.

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Featured in: April 2016
