

Thank you for the valuable real estate afforded ASI NW in the [March] Gleaner. Know that the Lord will bless this revitalized effort in many ways, with more people touched with the good news!

Fred Cornforth, Boise, Idaho

Relevant Prophecy

I want to thank Martin Weber for his article "A Prophetic Question." I agree completely that we Seventh-day Adventists need relevance in our prophetic proclamation in these turbulent times. People are wondering and asking why. We must be able to relate current events to Bible prophecy and the soon return of Jesus.

Phyllis Eckler, Spokane, Wash.

Beyond the Adventist Bubble

My husband and I have been teaching a seeker's class for nearly six years, which includes many non-Adventist members and a few who don't trust organized religion. Martin Weber's insight and open-minded logic is a gift from God and a reminder for us to not become so insulated we lose the ability to connect with those outside the Adventist bubble. Thank you Gleaner for publishing his articles, as well as Seth Pierce's, to keep us balanced!

Maureen OKane Dowling, Sequim, Wash.

Ripped It to Shreds

I tore the last edition [March] of the Gleaner to shreds. It was SO good that I had to cut and paste a large portion of the articles into my scrapbook. Priceless … I find myself wondering how to connect as a mentor to our precious new leaders (the youth), such as a summer camp grandma figure. Thank you for the many well-chosen words of encouragement you sprinkle on us from God.

Janice Berman, Northport, Wash.

Acts 15 a Better Model

The editorial, “Protest” (Gleaner, March 2017), references the issue of the continued opposition to the vote taken by delegates of the worldwide Adventist Church regarding the ministerial ordination policy. While the protest of Germany’s princes (state leaders) to the mandate of Charles V (monarch) was used as a comparison, I suggest that Acts 15 offers a more accurate and instructive model to addressing differences between religious entities. To solve the early Christian church’s disputations, an assembly made up of “delegates from the different churches” and “apostles and elders” met to discuss and decide the matter. (Commendably, this has been done.) “This decision was then to be universally accepted by the different churches throughout the country” (Acts of the Apostles, p. 190). (We are still working on this part.) As an invested member I intend to pray (as Editor Vistaunet recommended) for the GC, NPUC, NAD and affected worldwide leaders to demonstrate similar submission to God and one another to work through our present-day impasse as the early church did.

Cathy Law, Kamiah, Idaho

Like It or Leave It

It is clear that Mr. Vistaumet [sic] has a problem with authority and history [March 2017 editorial, "Protest"]. Authority coming from her [sic] mother or the church leadership. He considers both totalitarian. History coming from reading The Great Controversy, or the decision made by the whole church in San Antonio, Texas, in 2015. He considers both a violation of his conscience. To answer both Mr Vistaumet [sic] needs to remember that this is a voluntary organization. As such if he does not believe with the decision made by the world church, with the principles, policies, or course taken I don't expect him to keep collecting a paycheck from an employer that violates his conscience. He is more than welcome to join another church denomination that suits his views when it comes to our Father's business. Best wishes finding another church.

Carlos Antuna, Oroville, Wash.

Protesting the Protest

I found the article "Protest" by Steve Vastaunet [sic] reprehensible. … That it has been printed in an official church publication shows just how incredibly disjointed church leadership is in the NAD. … If the editor of the Gleaner wants us to learn something from history, I suggest we begin with the editor’s own history as a four-year old and learn that a duly authorized “No” means “No.” If someone cannot accept and respect that answer, then that person, like a mature adult, should pack his soap and toothbrush and go. I sincerely hope, however, that he would choose to stay, and that he would reconsider the moral principles upon which he stands. They just may not be as solid as he thinks. He may then be reassured that the General Conference in Session remains God’s ordained authority on earth, that this authority is to be respected even if its judgments are not entirely understood at the moment, and that our Father’s house is truly the safest and most secure place to be in all the world.

Bill Corrigan, online submission

The Gleaner responds: Healthy Adventist churches find unity in mission even when members may differ in some perspectives. When we express our differences with thoughtfulness and respect, unity often flourishes. We pray that our members and church leaders will reflect the apostle Paul’s counsel to the Colossians: “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another …”

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Featured in: May 2017
