ASI Northwest Holds Annual Meeting

Under the direction of Fred Cornforth, president, members of the Northwest chapter of Adventist Laymen's Services and Industries (ASI) gathered at the Edward D. Hansen Conference Center in Everett, Wash., April 20–22, 2018, for their annual meeting. They enjoyed inspiring messages from Dick Duerksen, Oregon Conference storycatcher; John McVay, Walla Walla University president; Doug Bing, Washington Conference president; and others.

ASI Northwest members also collaborated with hundreds of community volunteers to serve more than 1,000 needy city residents on Friday and Sunday during the Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN) free medical clinic (see the AMEN clinic article in this issue's Washington Conference News section).

This is the second straight year Cornforth has positioned the annual meeting in conjunction with an AMEN clinic community outreach. It’s an intentional effort to move away from a “retreat” motif and instead live out a core mission of the organization: “To promote a Christ-centered lifestyle by ‘Sharing Christ in the Marketplace’ through education, health programs, community services and evangelism.”

The annual convention for the international ASI organization is Aug. 1–4, 2018, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Fla. The next Northwest chapter meeting is planned for the Walla Walla Valley in April 2019.

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Featured in: June 2018
