Image Credit: M'Kayla Lewandowski

Evangelism Series 'REVEALs' Personal Church Mission

Have you ever come to a crossroad or felt stuck in your life and prayed, “God, what is your plan for me?” Mount Tahoma Church in Tacoma, Wash., addressed this very question by hosting an evangelism series called “REVEAL — Knowing God’s Plan for Your Life.” Through much prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the one-week series with dynamic speaker Michael B. Kelly, pastor of Mount Rubidoux Church in Riverside, Calif., led to many blessings, including 14 baptisms. 

During the nightly meetings, Kelly focused on how the devil attempts to derail God’s people from fully believing and accomplishing what he knows God has called us to do. Kelly emphasized that, while the enemy can delay God’s plan for His people, he can’t stop it. Whether young or old, God still has plans for everyone. We are to follow in faith, believing that the One who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. God’s people don’t need to look for signs, only simply trust in God's promises. 

Two key points from Kelly’s series: 

  • Following God’s purpose for our lives requires complete childlike faith in Him;
  • God can not only turn our trials around to fulfill our purpose, He can also use our reaction to life's challenges as inspiration to lead others to trust in Him. 

Kelly challenged the church to approach ministry to the surrounding community as instructed by God in Isaiah 58:6–8: “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter — when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you.”

These verses illustrate a church that cares for its community in such a way that its reputation will draw many to the love of Jesus. Mount Tahoma Church members are now committed to ministering in this way. 

The success of REVEAL came from more than just social media, print and word-of-mouth marketing. It took commitment from volunteers, collaboration between church departments and constant, fervent prayer. The REVEAL team purposefully prayed together nightly for two weeks before the event, every night before the meeting and always after each meeting. 

Each night, the kitchen staff prepared sack dinners for every guest. The Sabbath School department led a simultaneous children’s program, while the music department led worship. Deacons greeted guests from the parking lot, and the deaconesses, ushers and youth helped with registration and seating. Our goal was to have guests feel at home and connected from the parking lot to the pew. 

Truly, much prayer equals much power, and Mount Tahoma Church members praise God for this prayerful, powerful revival.

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Featured in: March/April 2019
