Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

Hispanic Churches Begin With Prayer

Every morning at 6 a.m. and every evening at 6 p.m., prayer partners from Hispanic churches in western Washington join together for a prayer teleconference.

“People call and connect each day with different churches leading out,” says Francisco Brito, Washington Conference Hispanic ministries associate director and pastor. “We’re in our fifth year now.”

The 25-minute prayer call to 206-457-3879 includes a devotional reading and time to pray through a prayer schedule for church leaders, prayer initiatives and more. The evening call focuses more on receiving prayer requests.

In addition to the daily prayer call, Hispanic churches participated in 40 days of prayer beginning in December 2019. During this time, 182 people shared testimonies of how God is working in their lives.

To conclude the 40 days and to start the new year right, Hispanic ministries hosted a Day of Prayer at the Auburn Performing Arts Center. This is the fourth year for intentionally starting the year in prayer. The intercessory prayer featured topics this year covered health, immigration and family and led into a message by Roger Alvarez from the Southeastern Conference in Florida.

“It’s a really important event for us,” Brito says. “It’s a celebration. All our churches attend. The churches don’t make any other plans so members can be present. It’s at the beginning of the year, which represents a time to start the year with prayer with good resolutions.”

The week after the prayer convocation, Hispanic members launched their small groups. “We pray, we prepare, we go," Brito says.

Plans are already in the works for the next prayer convocation scheduled for January 9, 2021, in the same location.

“Our priority is prayer,” Brito says. “This is how we start our year.”

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Featured in: March/April 2020
