Arlington Kids Make Difference in El Salvador

Can a small group of young people really make any difference in the world? After we resumed in-person children’s Sabbath School outdoors, some of our class members asked about collecting an offering each week that would go to a special project. 

After presenting some options, the class decided they wanted to raise funds to buy chickens for families in need in El Salvador. Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) provides families with chickens so they can become more self-sufficient. The eggs can be sold, and some eggs can be allowed to hatch so flock size increases. Even the chicken manure can be used to help grow better gardens. Since three of our families raise chickens, this project appealed to them.

We collected our ADRA offering for six Sabbaths. At the end we had $95, enough to buy 19 chickens. The Sabbath School students were so happy to be helping others.

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Featured in: March/April 2021
