Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

Abundant Health Sabbaths Focus on Healthy Life Principles

Elida Jerez and her Washington Conference Health Ministry team launched a series of Abundant Health Sabbaths to help friends and neighbors find optimal holistic health.

Restarting in-person ministry gatherings during a pandemic takes careful planning for the health and safety of participants. This process is made easier when small gatherings can meet outdoors.

“We worked with the staff at the beautiful campus of Sunset Lake Camp to arrange for an initial three Abundant Health Sabbaths where participants rotate through eight outdoor stations, [each station] for the eight laws of health,” said Elida Jerez, Washington Conference health ministries director.

Activities at the eight health stations include a short health talk, an exercise activity, a food demonstration or a dynamic conversation. Attendance is voluntarily and capped at 50 participants to allow for focused interaction.

“Health professionals at each station are available to answer questions and provide resources that people need for their emotional, spiritual and physical health,” Jerez said.

Carmen Alejo from Volunteer Park Church was one of the participants in the first three Health Sabbaths held in August, September and October of 2021.

“Coming here to the seminar reminded me to stay active,” said Alejo. During the pandemic, she found herself bound to a desk at work with less mobility than she was used to. “I’ve learned a lot of things and some of those things I already knew, but wasn’t practicing, so it was a good refresher.”

Abundant Health Sabbaths started with a renewed purpose for sharing good health habits.

“Our background as Adventists [and health ministries] has such a rich history,” shared Tom Butler, a public health professional who attends the Auburn Academy church and is part of the Washington Conference health ministries team. “Our health message is really a gift God has given us for loving people.”

Family practice physician, George Lee gave a presentation on the importance of good fresh air during the September gathering. “It was nice to share some insights and some science with the guests here and be with them out in nature.”

Abundant Health Sabbaths are designed as inclusive events: any church, any individual and any neighbor is invited to come discover how to restore their health and renew their hope. Future Abundant Health Sabbaths will be advertised online in the Washington Conference Health Ministries Facebook group.

“We pray that this movement of the Health Ministry,” Jerez said, “could be the beginning of a new lifestyle for you.”

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Featured in: November/December 2021
