Academies Pursue Rock-Solid Connection For Adventist academies, vespers programs and good connections (also known as networking) are key elements of the school environment. On Nov. 30, 2018, thanks to student leadership, connections and student-led vespers programing came together in B... Read more
Pastors Model Crucial Conversation Process How do you facilitate a crucial conversation? You start small with one-on-one conversations, expand to a larger core group and then include a larger audience. Read more
Valentine's Day Ministry Ideas for Your Church The North American Division (NAD) ministerial department recently shared a list of ideas your church or ministry could provide on Valentine's Day as an outreach and evangelism tool. Check out their list below and consider implementing one or more ... Read more
Moscow Church Spreads True Reason for the Season The city of Moscow, Idaho, has a yearly Christmas parade down Main Street to welcome in the Christmas season. Read more
Lents Community Clothing Closet Day Launches Lents Church and Lents Neighborhood Association (LNA) in Portland, Ore., teamed up to launch Lents Community Clothing Closet Day on Jan. 3, 2019, at the Lents Activity Center. Read more
When God Moves: A Story From the Northernmost Town in the United States Picture a two-story pink house with a small yellow house sitting right next door, right in the center of a well-traveled part of town. Little did anyone suspect that these buildings would become God’s answer to the prayer of a small group of Adven... Read more
Longtime Alaska Homesteaders Are Still Pioneering On a sunny Sabbath morning in May, Hal and Sherron Farrar ascended the steps of Northside Church in Anchorage, Alaska. Pastor Jim John was greeting outside and took special notice of the elderly couple. After introductions, Sherron responded, “We’... Read more
Roundup Members Their Fishing In Montana, we know fishing: fly fishing, lure fishing, fishing from boats, fishing from shore. We enjoy fishing in rivers or in lakes. Fishing is part of our heritage in Big Sky Country, something for which we are famous. Why can't we be famous f... Read more
Beaverton Holds 'Youth Only' Worship Thirteen youth, primarily from grades four through 12, provided piano or vocal selections to offer their talents and praises to God in the first “youth only” worship service at Beaverton (Ore.) Church to close the Sabbath the evening of Nov. 10, 2... Read more