SIDEBAR: The First Amendment The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clearly lays out prohibitions for the American government to promote or infringe on religion. It specifically uses the indefinite article "an" and not the definite article "the," which might otherwise b... Read more
Outdoor School Partners With Pathfinders and Adventurers What is your favorite thing about outdoor school? If you were to ask a student, many of them would say they loved fishing, the lake, interacting with the horses, or even getting to touch an alligator or snake! Read more
Hundreds of Small Groups Form in UCC A recipe for a successful weekend conference is to make it convenient for the attendees. But God’s recipe was different in Upper Columbia Conference (UCC) recently. Read more
Public High School Students Find Spiritual Retreat Fifty-five public high school students spent a late October weekend at the first public high school retreat in several years at Sunset Lake Camp in Wilkeson, Wash. Between retreat activities, Will Ramos, "The Ghetto Preacher," delivered a series o... Read more
Spokane Develops Free Dental/Medical Clinic Spokane’s Better Living Center in eastern Washington has been part of the local Adventist church’s outreach to the community since 1976, when an auto parts store was purchased and converted into a community services center. Its location, right on ... Read more
Riverside Christian School Hosts 28th Annual Apple Festival The 28th annual Riverside Christian School Apple Festival was held in Washougal, Wash., on Oct. 14, 2018. As in the years past, church and school volunteers spent two Sundays making apple pies and apple dumplings. They made and froze more than 450... Read more
Billings Gets 'Shot in the Arm' Visitors and members of the Adventist church in Billings, Mont., received a proverbial evangelistic "shot in the arm" from Jim Howard, on Sabbath, Oct. 6, 2018. A convocation entitled “Grow Montana” took place with the goal of preparing lay people... Read more
Wrangell Stays Faithful to God's Calling Through VBS Each year Alaska's Wrangell Church members conduct Vacation Bible School throughout Alaska as part of their church outreach. The summer of 2018 was full of mountaintop experiences and low valleys. Read more
NAD-Wide University Student Leaders Respond to GC Compliance Document EDITOR'S NOTE: The following statement was jointly issued by the undersigned student leaders of Seventh-day Adventist universities, colleges and other associations throughout North America who attended the North American Division Year-End Meeting ... Read more