Celebrating Schools, Building Support for Families The Oregon Conference will be hosting a one-hour online celebration of your Oregon Conference schools on Feb.13, 2021, at 6 p.m. You’ll meet students, teachers and supporters from all 32 schools. Music, science, computers, history, Bible, spelling... Read more
In the Face of Fire, 'I Belong to God' Abundio Reyes is a single, 76-year-old farm laborer who came to the United States many years ago. A hard worker, he never attend school and doesn't speak English. This faithful member of the Medford Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in southern... Read more
CAA Alum Starts Different Kind of Revival As a high school student at Columbia Adventist Academy in Battle Ground, Washington, a “few years ago,” Doug Schmidt, class of 1980, was heavily impacted and inspired by a series of classes he began taking as a freshman: general shop, welding, woo... Read more
Cyclist Credits Temperate Lifestyle With Cross-Country Success Persistent pedaling through towns, down canyons, up mountain passes, along rivers, and across vast deserts and farmlands — this is what it takes to cross our beautiful and diverse country by bicycle. Read more
Pandemic Drives Unexpected Discoveries Rachel James, a Portland Adventist Academy senior, has been playing saxophone since fifth grade. Although quitting music this school year would have saved her time and energy to work on her senior project, she knew she would regret that. Read more
Gaston Holds Creative Baptism Robert Ellis' baptism will always be remembered by the Gaston Church for many reasons. Read more
Recommitted Lives Result in Albany Baptisms COVID-19 has put a damper on some traditional worship services. It also served to heighten joy as, on Aug. 22, 2020, Oregon's Albany Church welcomed a new family member, Sarah Lindsey, who was committing her life to Jesus Christ through baptism, a... Read more
Central Valley Christian School Gets New Driveway A new driveway for Central Valley Christian School, located in western Oregon, means expanded outreach potential and serves as a reminder to the school of God’s faithfulness. Read more
PAES Embraces Distance Learning Like many of the schools in the Oregon Conference Adventist education system, Portland Adventist Elementary School began the year via distance learning due to state requirements. PAES, located in Gresham, Oregon, has worked diligently and creative... Read more