Camp Meeting Provides Spring Break for Village Youth Spring break in Togiak became an adventure for the 23 youth who enjoyed a trip to Dillingham for camp meeting in March. It isn’t a great distance — 78 miles — but to get that size of a group plus seven adults by air in small planes with an 80-minu... Read more
Tormenta de Bendiciones Para Nuevo Distrito en Idaho ¿Has alguna vez deseado ser testigo presencial de un momento histórico? ¿Ser parte de un episodio en la vida, que tiene la capacidad de marcar un antes y un después? Read more
Redmond, Sisters Get New Pastor Dave Shasky retired in December 2014 after pastoring both the Redmond and Sisters churches for the past 10 years. That began the hunt for a new pastor. Read more
Fall Creek Provides Dental Care to Veterans On Easter weekend the mobile dental unit of Caring Hands Worldwide swung into action to serve veterans at the Fall Creek Event Center on the local Adventist church campus. Read more
TurningPoint, Glide Youth Hit the Streets for Global Youth Day On Global Youth Day, which fell on March 19 this year, 43 youth and staff stormed the streets of Roseburg, Ore., to deliver cheer and encouragement to a community still hurting from a mass shooting five months earlier. Although nine people died in... Read more
La Verdadera Misión de la Iglesia Una de las épocas más emocionantes de la biblia que me gustan es el periodo después del pentecostés, donde el trabajo intenso no era en la iglesia sino en la comunidad, en el barrio y en los pueblos. Read more
Oregon Women's Ministries Retreat Forty-nine dedicated Oregon Conference women’s ministries leaders came together in at the Village Green Resort and Gardens in Cottage Grove, Ore., March 4–6 for training and networking for the women of our church and communities. Many left feeling... Read more
BVAS Vision Improves Neither bifocals nor a prescription were needed to improve the vision of Boise Valley Adventist School. All that was needed to improve the school’s vision was a concept and a passionate school board. The vision in reference is not connected with e... Read more
Stevensville Holds Thanksgiving Feast Hay bales, a large assortment of pumpkins and twinkling lights greeted the eyes of happy visitors and members of the Stevensville Church in anticipation of the second annual Neighborhood Thanksgiving Feast. Read more