Bonney Lake Refocuses Ministry for Church Growth Bonney Lake Church had a reputation for being a cold and unfriendly church.The church leadership team attended a church-growth practicum and teamed up with Washington Conference in the Partners for Growth initiative to grow healthy churches. With ... Read more
Juneau Learns 'Jesus Math' In first grade, the GoMath text says 1 + 2 = 3; in second grade, 18 - 7 = 11; in fifth grade, 9.435 – 2.903 is rounded to 6; in seventh grade, ab = c. But at the beginning of the 2013–14 school year in Juneau, no one expected “Jesus math.”All Adve... Read more
Students Blessed by Jesus-Centered Event In the early days of February, snow continued to pack Interstate 90’s Snoqualmie Pass, Wash., as several cars with Walla Walla University (WWU) students journeyed from College Place, Wash., to Seattle to experience the One Project 2014 — a meeting... Read more
Cloverdale Holds Record Second Annual Food Drive We live in the richest country in the world, and yet we have people who are literally starving all around us. Read more
Gateway's Cowboy Church Marks One Year Well, it is not the famous Gaither Gospel Hour, but it sure is close. Gateway Church (Grants Pass) holds Cowboy Church the first Sabbath of each month at 5 p.m., for an hour of old-time country-gospel singing and a 10-minute sermon.Friends and fam... Read more
Grants Pass School Holds 'Penny War' Kaleb Lahr, 3, was diagnosed with aortic stenosis after his birth in August 2010. He also was suffering from mild mitral stenosis valve regurgitation and endofibroelastosis (a rare condition). He has endured surgeries, hospital stays and numerous ... Read more
Inchelium Hosts 'Life Is Sacred' Prayer Day High unemployment, peer pressure, loss of hope — whatever may have been the causes, the number of suicides on the Colville (Wash.) Indian Reservation led to an emergency tribal meeting to seek answers. One tribal leader's comment, “Our young peopl... Read more
Molalla Member Honored for 60 Years of Service The children’s division of Molalla Church presented a 13th Sabbath program during Sabbath School on Dec. 28, 2013. Marge Quade was presented with a certificate of appreciation signed by all the Molalla Sabbath School officers and Eduard Ciobanu, M... Read more
Un Año Bendecido El 2013 fue un año muy bendecido para los Hispanos en la Asociación del Alto Columbia (Upper Columbia Conference). Nos organizamos para trabajar en equipo. Los diferentes departamentos de la asociación, los pastores y los líderes de todos los dist... Read more