Milo Redefines Christianity for International Student Jinny Kim says that in Korea, where she comes from, many people do not consider the Adventist Church to be a Christian church.Adventists are known to have church on Saturday and translate the Bible differently than other churches, so the church mu... Read more
Northwest Adventist Federal Credit Union Celebrates 50 Years The Northwest Adventist Federal Credit Union in Portland, Ore., celebrated 50 years of service on March 14 at Adventist Medical Center (AMC) in Portland, Ore. More than 178 guests came to have dinner prepared by the hospital cafeteria staff.Those ... Read more
CHIP Trains Leaders to Reach Their Communities There are few things in this life that bring greater satisfaction than engaging with heavenly agencies to extend the healing ministry of Jesus.During the past 20 years, hundreds of Adventist churches in the United States and Canada have thrown ope... Read more
'Pathfinders vs. Wild' Pathfinder vs. Wild was the theme for Montana's second-annual Pathfinder fair, held April 13–15 at the Skyler Ranch just outside of Great Falls, Mont. Pathfinders from five of the conference's eight clubs traversed the state to attend the event.Th... Read more
John Day Church Celebrates Baptism Daniel Davis was baptized Feb. 11 by Tony Brandon at the John Day (Ore.) Church."I wanted to be baptized because I heard of baptism, wondered what it was, and looked it up, and asked my parents about it," Davis explains. "I thought about what they... Read more
GSAA Students Sponsor 11-Year-Old Savannah Byard, a sophomore at Gem State Adventist Academy (GSAA) in Caldwell, Idaho, says, "God put it in my heart to go on the Peru mission trip, but I knew that I could never raise the $2,500."Then one day Paul Opp, People of Peru Project direc... Read more
Alaska Youth Attend GYC Ketchikan (Alaska) Adventist youth Kendall Axelson, Lacey Axelson and Liesel Ervin, and their chaperone, Wanda Axelson, attended the 2011 Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC) conference in Houston, Texas, Dec. 28 through Jan. 1.The conference, tit... Read more
Literature Table Reaches Tourists in Talkeetna A small table is reaching the world as thousands of tourists pass through tiny Talkeetna, Alaska, each summer on their way to see Mount McKinley. Self-supporting Adventist missionary-colporteurs are taking advantage of that traffic by operating a ... Read more
Students Lead Sabbath Services at Hispanic Churches "Bien venidos! Feliz Sabado!" A warm greeting welcomes anyone who steps into a Hispanic church in the Pacific Northwest.This school year, three Hispanic churches in Washington and Oregon are extending those greetings to Hispanic ministries team me... Read more