Milo Announces Spiritual Theme In reflecting upon the blessings of the past year, Milo Adventist Academy's leadership spent a portion of the summer planning the theme and mission for the year ahead.Under the direction of Randy Bovee, MAA principal, ideas, visions and thoughts w... Read more
Gladstone Members Revel in River Excursion Seven members of the Gladstone Park (Ore.) Church enjoyed kayaking over Memorial Day weekend by embarking at the North Santiam River at Lebanon, Ore., and then floating down the Willamette before disembarking at Independence, Ore.Jim Mathis, organ... Read more
Frank Hansen: Class of 1950 Frank Hansen first attended Columbia Academy as a freshman in 1946. He graduated in 1950. Some would probably remember him as a little on the wild side and somewhat rebellious.After graduation, Frank joined the U.S. Air Force. He became an alcohol... Read more
Forest Grove K.I.D.S. Conduct Church Service June 6, 2009, the Forest Grove (Ore.) Church was treated to partial participation in a lesson presented by the Kids in Discipleship class. After the children's choir finished presenting special music, the K.I.D.S. participants took the platform. Read more
Eugene Korean Members Find Leper Colony Converts Between June 23–July 2, HanSoo Kim, pastor of the Eugene (Ore.) Korean Church, and three elders traveled to Shandong Province of China. They visited two leper villages and baptized 65 new members.Of the 65 baptized members, 11 were volunteers at t... Read more
Better Life Camp Meeting In One Accord Better Life Broadcasting Network held their second annual camp meeting at Milo Adventist Academy, June 12–14. Nestled in the secluded pines of Days Creek, Ore., nearly a thousand people attended throughout the weekend. The main speaker was Jim Gil... Read more
Havre Members Enjoy Annual Church in the Mountains Havre (Mont.) Church members enjoyed Sabbath services at the Conrad Nystrom Ranch, in the Bear Paw Mountains, the first Sabbath in July. This event coincides with the annual Nystrom family reunion held around the Fourth of July.Monte Nystrom, from... Read more
An "At Home Mission" with a Vision Sometimes mission fields can be found right here in the United States. For the second year in a row, a group from the Village Church in Berrien Springs, Mich., chose to make the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Poplar, Mont., their focus. Read more
Super Heroes Discovered at Camp Paxson Campers arrived at Camp Paxson on Seeley Lake, in Mont., in record numbers again this June ready for a week of fun-filled activity. Besides the usual water sports, archery and crafts, there were several new choices for campers which included: Lego... Read more