Preaching Children Every Wednesday during the month of April at the Yakima, Wash., Willow Adventist Hispanic Church, our prayer and evangelistic meetings were led by children. These children preached God’s Word with an enthusiasm that amazed our members.“We were abl... Read more
From Gang Member to Church Member in the Pasco Spanish Church A unique evangelistic series at the Pasco (Wash.) Spanish Church resulted in 18 baptisms. Danny Delgado was one of those who was baptized.After several disappointing events in his life, Delgado began to hang out with gangs. Eventually they influen... Read more
De Miembro de una Pandilla a Miembro de Iglesia Se llevó a cabo una serie evangelística en la Iglesia Hispana de la ciudad de Pasco, Wash., que resultó en 18 bautismos. Danny Delgado es una de aquellas personas que fueron bautizadas.Luego de varios eventos decepcionantes en su vida, Delgado com... Read more
La Iglesia Hispana de Kennewick Se Traslada a un Nuevo Edificio Hace menos de un año que la Iglesia Hispana de Pasco celebró su libertad de ya no hacer pagos mensuales de hipoteca y dedicó su edificio. Ahora su iglesia hija, la Iglesia Hispana de Kennewick, ha comprado su propio edificio y se ha trasladado.A s... Read more
Kennewick Spanish Church Moves to New Facility Less than a year after the Pasco Spanish Church celebrated its freedom from a monthly mortgage payment and dedicated its building, its daughter church, Kennewick Spanish, purchased and moved into its own building.Only a few months after the Pasco ... Read more
Christmas Brunch a Sabbath School Outreach I have to admit that I was a bit reluctant to plan a Christmas brunch instead of having a regular Sabbath School. But now, I feel very secure and I am anxious to do it again.Last Christmas, the Eastgate Sabbath School decided to reach out to missi... Read more
Upper Columbia Academy Seniors Come Together During Senior Survival "There were people I’d never really talked with or hung out with before, even though we’ve been in school together since we were freshmen,” says Adriel Salinas. “But now we actually know each other, and we’re friends. It’s like we’re finally ‘the ... Read more
New Faces at Walla Walla Valley Academy Walla Walla Valley Academy (WWVA) welcomed three new faculty members this year: Cliff Dolph, Angela Oetman, and Keith Wells. Cliff Dolph teaches English, filling Rose Marie Walter's vacated position. He has previously taught at Cascade Christian A... Read more
African Themed VBS a Success in Pendleton Scenes of the African savanna greeted youngsters at Vacation Bible School in Pendleton, Ore., the week of June 20–24, making the church an exciting learning environment. Of 67 total children registered, 27 had some kind of Adventist affiliation. A... Read more