Puget Sound Alumni Weekend Alumni returned to celebrate Puget Sound Adventist Academy’s sixth annual alumni weekend Feb. 25–26, in conjunction with senior recognition. The church service was held on the PSAA campus and involved alumni from all graduating classes. The feelin... Read more
Retreat Speaker Challenges Men It was approaching sunset on Friday evening, Jan. 21. The trumpet call of Canada geese seemed to herald the close of another work week. Ducks gliding across Hayden Lake's mirrored surface echoed the call. The sky filled with vibrant hues as the su... Read more
Rallies Focus on Sharing Jesus This spring Jim Kilmer, Upper Columbia Conference (UCC) church-growth director, organized soul-winning rallies at four locations throughout the inland Northwest. The purpose of these area-wide gatherings was to provide church members with an oppor... Read more
Brothers Become Sixth-generation Adventists Shortly after Jeff Crain came to pastor the Omak (Wash.) Church, Sherrie Sype and Daryl Jacobson requested Bible study materials on baptism for their two sons, Kurt, 15, and Brent, l2. They had been attending Sabbath School and worship services re... Read more
UCA Hosts UCC Choral Clinic Upper Columbia Academy’s 105-member choir recently doubled for a few days when more than 100 seventh- through tenth-graders, representing 10 schools from the Upper Columbia Conference, joined them on UCA’s campus for a three-day choral clinic.“I a... Read more
KETL-LP Radio to Bring 3ABN to Republic The Republic (Wash.) Church members watched a 95-foot radio tower go up on a hill 900 feet above and 6,000 feet east of their church on Nov. 22, 2004. The $30,000 tower, purchased for $3,000 and weighing about 9,000 pounds, was only one of many mi... Read more
UCA Sponsors "Change Your World" Jars to Help Tsunami Victims Along with the rest of the world, Upper Columbia Academy students were compelled to do something that would make a difference for the victims of the Christmas Day tsunami. From the HOPE Task Force office where community service is coordinated, the... Read more
You Must Tell the People That I Am Coming Very Soon José Luis Pérez got up one morning several years ago while he and his family were living in Brewster, Wash. After breakfast and feeling very sleepy he took a short nap. While sleeping he had a dream in which a voice spoke to him. “José! José!” the... Read more