Scholarship Endowment Fund to Honor Cesar Umayam The Kirkland Church family was deeply saddened by the death of a most beloved member, Cesar Umayam, on Oct. 19, just a few days before his 51st birthday. A skilled carpenter, handyman and mechanic, he used his talents to serve anyone in need.Bless... Read more
New Youth Director Selected for the Washington Conference David Yeagley was recently elected to serve as the Washington Conference youth director. David replaces Craig Heinrich, who recently moved to Northern California. Yeagley has a rich history of working with youth in both church and summer camp sett... Read more
Greenlake Church Begins New Ministry Improv Comes to Seattle Greenlake church recently began a series of events carefully designed to reach out to the people in their neighborhood, as well as to the young adults and University of Washington students in the area. One such event, a special program on marriage... Read more
Conference Office Move Update Plans are in motion to move the Washington Conference headquarters from the current location in Bothell to a more central site. During the 2002 conference constituency session, it was voted that the office could be moved if the transaction would n... Read more
Amahl and the Night Visitors A Four-star Performance As Amahl left his mother in their poor shepherd's hut to follow the three kings to the Christ child, the curtains slowly fell to thunderous applause, almost drowning out the final notes of the live orchestra. Then the curtains opened again for a s... Read more
WWVA Puts Mission In Action with Food Drive Walla Walla Valley Academy (WWVA) freshmen Brittany Englehart and Sonja Rootvik sit in the Bible classroom at Walla Walla Valley Academy with 6,000 pounds of food collected by students for the holiday season at the Blue Mountain Action Council Foo... Read more
With Jesus My Life Has Meaning It Is as Simple as That Meghan Collier became a ward of the state when she was nine years old. Meghan’s parents were sent to prison and Meghan, along with her brothers and sisters, were placed in foster homes. Hoping that Meghan could avoid the harassment her older siste... Read more
Wenatchee Church Presents the 12th Annual Brody Award The Wenatchee Church presented its 12th annual Brody award to Carl and Betty Campbell at its church service on Oct. 23, 2004.The Campbells have given so much to our community in their graceful, humble way. They have received other awards and have ... Read more
Warren J. Blanck Ordained in Goldendale Warren J. Blanck was ordained Oct. 9, 2004, at the Goldendale (Wash.) Church. Gerald Haeger, Upper Columbia Conference (UCC) ministerial director, led out in the ordination charge. Gordon Pifher, UCC executive secretary, spoke on the “Challenge in... Read more