Board Affirms Seven Keys to Auburn's Future

As Auburn Adventist Academy marks its 95th year, the school faces a series of challenges that must be addressed to secure a sustainable and vibrant future.

The board of trustees and staff representatives met over eight weeks for four key sessions to frame the issues, define vision drivers, draft a vision and finalize the vision to set the school on a solid course for long-term sustainability. This vision takes seriously the challenges they face and the opportunities that are present at this unique moment in the school's history.

The group believes Spirit-led strategic planning allows them to be stewards of God’s school as they develop a strategic plan to achieve the mission as a discipling school for Adventist young people.

1. A Vision for Excellence

The school's brand promise is to provide an excellent, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist educational experience that prepares the whole person for success in college, life and eternity. The vision is to educate students to fulfill their God-given potential academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

2. A Reinvigorated Teaching Staff

This vision is built on a teaching staff that is qualified, experienced and motivated to deliver an outstanding curriculum with excellence.

3. Stability, Experience and Innovation in Leadership

The vision requires leadership excellence and a governing structure that supports and facilitates the success of the vision.

4. A Christ-Centered Culture of Open Communication, Mutual Support and Trust at All Levels

The vision is for a school environment to be permeated with the presence of the Holy Spirit. This will be evidenced by high levels of trust, genuine support, encouragement and clear communication in all directions.

5. An Intentional Marketing, Recruiting and Customer Relations Program

To achieve this vision, the school will complete a rebranding process focused on the vision elements to serve as a foundation for a marketing, communications and recruiting program.

6. A Short-Term and Long-Term Financial Plan

A short-term and long-term financial plan will demonstrate the ability of the school to operate in the black with a boarding component. The vision will be supported by a 24-month transitional financial plan to fund the turnaround.

7. A Facility Master Plan That Supports the Vision

The governing group will develop a facility master plan that best supports the vision.

They believe this vision is compelling and worthy of the school community's wholehearted commitment. Most importantly, they believe this will provide a path to a stable future that will enable the academy to prepare young people to know God and transform their community as disciples of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Please join the vision as everyone works together to grow Auburn Adventist Academy.

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Featured in: June 2015