
Pastoral Miscount

We enjoyed the article “The Countdown Is On!” in the September GLEANER. It is inspiring to find out what is happening around the North Pacific Union Conference. The Holy Spirit is being poured out as never before, and I believe we are witnessing a lay people revival as never before.

We at Estacada are having a tremendous response as we go door to door. We can hardly wait for the meetings to start to see the blessings that God has in store.

We did notice one error in an otherwise fine article. The paragraph under Oregon mentions that Canby and Molalla are losing their pastor. It should read that Canby and Estacada are losing their pastor. The pastor has assisted us in many ways, and we will really miss him and his wife, but they have done a good job of nurturing us. It is time for us to stand on our own.

We always enjoy the GLEANER and hope you keep up the good work.

Wesley and Debbie Clark—Estacada, Ore.

Editorial Response: In her research for the article, author Kirsten Torkelsen received information that we now realize reflects former—not current—Church district boundaries. We regret not reflecting this change.

Elusive Willey

I’m guessing you have had some response regarding the article “Whatever Happened to the Class of 1957.” I thought it was very well written and agree heartily with what Joe had to say. (I graduated from UCA in 1958.)

The person in the picture that you have labeled as being Joe Willey was not a member of the class of ‘57 and never did attend UCA. His name is Bud Harvey and is married to the woman on his right. However, only those who know the author would know the difference. Unfortunately, Joe isn’t in the picture.

We look forward to receiving the GLEANER each month. You are all doing a great job!

Carol Lynn Woodbury, Secretary—Office of the President, Upper Columbia Conference

Elusive Willey II

Your article by T. Joe Willey concerning the camaraderie and friendships made and maintained during and after academy years was especially interesting, because I was (and am) a loner in the public schools of Southern California. There are many friends, especially since becoming a Seventh-day Adventist, but no close ones.

Your sidebar states that Joe received a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in Berkley. USC is located in Los Angeles, while the Berkley school is the University of California at Berkley. No big deal, unless Mr. Willey attends the wrong class reunion.

Harold P. Mortz—Rogue River, Ore.

Child Preachers

It was a thrill to see the story about Noé Ortiz in the September GLEANER. It brought back wonderful memories of my years as Sabbath school director in the former Far Eastern Division and at the General Conference, when we started the Child/Teen Preacher Program. More than 12,000 young evangelists around the world, age 3-19, won thousands of people to Christ. And many of them became ministers when they grew up.

Nine former child preachers who finished their ministerial training but did not receive calls because their local conferences lacked the budget to hire them, were recently brought to the Central California Conference by the Conference president, George Johnson, once ministerial director in the Far Eastern Division. He told me he thinks they will be responsible for possibly half the baptisms in his Conference. Our young people are truly an army for God!

Robert Grady—Bothell, Wash.

Steady and Strong

How we enjoy the GLEANER! Thanks for all the work you and the staff put into it.... It is now so sharp and professional, yet the content is the steady, strong, spiritual inspiration and news that we have depended on for so many years.

Ellen Butler—Grand Ronde, Ore.

Education Feature

Just a quick note to let you know I think you did a great job on the August issue of the GLEANER. Having almost an entire focus on Christian education took a lot of work and planning on the part of your staff, but also a lot of support from administration and many others.

I just wanted you to know that it is much appreciated, because some of us know from personal experience that the blessings of our schools to the Church at large are just endless, and are measureless because they cover so many facets of life.

Keep up the good work....

Jack Harris—Portland, Ore.

ID Please!

Your August GLEANER has a lovely family picture on the cover to illustrate your title, “It Takes a Team.” They look so familiar that I feel I should know them, or who they are, at least. But I’ve hunted the GLEANER through and cannot find a single identification anywhere. Why? Please would you identify them for me?

Alberta Ainsworth—Haines, Ore.

Editorial Response: What better way to insure careful reading than leaving out the names! No, seriously, as in most magazines today, persons on covers represent one of three things: (1) Themselves as newsmakers, (2) A concept or idea that transcends their individuality; (3) Both themselves and a transcending ideal. Our August cover falls into the second category: the group represents teamwork in Christian education.

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Featured in: October 2002
