WindWorks Fellowship Maintains High Profile in Olympia

On Saturday, July 20, WindWorks Fellowship of Seventh-day Adventists took to the streets of Olympia and handed out more than 1,700 bottles of chilled water, prior to the annual Lakefair Parade.

On a day when temperatures reached the mid-80s, the water received a tremendous response from awaiting spectators. Each bottle had a label that read: “ really is free! We hope this small gift brings some light into your day. It’s a simple way of saying that God loves you —no strings attached!”

The labels included a mailing address and information about church services. Olympia policemen were so impressed by the gesture that they volunteered to loan two squad motorcycles next year to help transport the water. They will also allow the water brigade complete access to the closed streets on the parade route.

After distributing the water, the WindWorks worship team rode on the church’s parade float, designed to look like a sailboat. On the float, they waved to the assembled crowd and sang praises to God. The float was especially well received, as one of only a few that featured live music.

Many in the crowd stood, clapped, and sang along. Huge smiles showed appreciation for the praise music, as the float passed by. The parade was shown on live television in the Olympia area, with reruns offered eight times during the following two weeks.

Those who experienced the parade in person, saw it on television, or received a bottle of water have made many comments and telephone calls to WindWorks’ members.

WindWorks Fellowship of Seventh-day Adventists is a two-and-a-half year old church plant in Olympia. It has an active Servant Evangelism ministry, coordinates community service projects such as water give-aways, free gasoline, yard/house clean-ups, Christmas family adoptions, free car washes, prison ministry, and serving the homeless.

More information is available at the WindWorks Web site,

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Featured in: November 2002