Adventurer Camp-out Brings Solid Turnout

About 200 campers recently came to Sunset Lake Youth Camp, near Wilkeson, Wash., to attend the annual Washington Conference Adventurer Club Camp-out.

Adventurer clubs are active in many areas of the world and enroll Christian students in grades one through four. Activities feature the Bible, health and fitness, nature, and people skills through club meetings, field trips, nature activities, crafts, games, and events.

Surrounded by nature and peaceful ambiance, and with a variety of accommodations, everyone at the recent camp-out was set to learn something new.

The theme for the weekend was “Missions and Butterflies from Around the World.” The Adventurers each received a “passport,” which they used to collect “stamps” from different stations they visited.

Stations consisted of a Bible story, the life cycle of the butterfly, mission information from Jordan, a butterfly puppet presentation of how God loves us, a butterfly craft, and the “Crocodile Hunter.”

On Sabbath afternoon, other stations showed how God works in local churches and communities and around the world.

Presenters included family members, church members, club directors, an academy teacher, a pastor, and the Washington Conference assistant youth director.

This year’s Adventurer Club family camp-out will be held Sept. 26-28.

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Featured in: January 2003