Good—But Not Perfect

Thank you for such a good GLEANER. In the November 2002 issue, in the “Mission Trip Unites” article, my name was spelled Schonemaker—it is correctly spelled Schoonhoven. I have been on 12 mission trips since retiring. Again, on page 27, the person in the bottom picture identified as Lenny Atkins does not look like our dear, former pastor. Thanks again for a wonderful publication.

Bill Schoonhoven—Pleasant Hill, Ore.

Thanks for the clarification. Chalk up both anomalies to electronics, in one case a scanner that scrambled your last name and in the other an electronic photo that didn’t quite live up to its log number and caption. We appreciate your concern and assistance in making these corrections. We’re not sure who the person in the middle of the photo is (on Page 27), but believe it may be Charlene Furman, who assisted Pastor Atkins in studying with the candidates. E.S.

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Featured in: January 2003
