Image Credit: Jonathan Baumgartner

Brito Ordained to Gospel Ministry

Francisco Brito was a young boy in the Dominican Republic when he first met Jesus.

“From that day, Jesus and His love seized my heart and became the only and sufficient motivation for my ministry,” Brito recalls. “Meeting Jesus was an overwhelming experience that also gave me the privilege of associating with Him to spread the good news and the power of His love.”

Brito first came to western Washington in his 20s to help grow a newborn Hispanic work. During the last 25 years, Brito had the opportunity to complete his religious studies at Walla Walla University, work as a teacher at Auburn Adventist Academy, and serve as a pastor and church planter for several churches.

Brito’s calling in pastoral ministry was recently recognized during an ordination program on Aug. 11, in Auburn, Wash.

“It’s been a long path,” acknowledges Doug Bing, Washington Conference president. “Francisco kept focused on ministry and God’s calling no matter his assignment.”

Friends and colleagues affirmed Brito for shepherding to his people. They encouraged him to keep bringing people to Jesus and faithfully serve without fear.

“He is a person we can go to,” says Leslie Ramirez, Tacoma Hispanic member. “Pastor Brito has been there for each milestone of our lives, so we are here for him now.”

“To serve God is the best thing that could ever happen to me,” Brito says. “God has never failed me. I am very happy that God chose this path for me. I would not have chosen a better one for my life.”

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Featured in: November 2018
