Graham Church Expands To Meet Neighborhood Needs

What is a church to do when housing developments are growing up all around it? The Graham (Wash.) Church members believe that you pray for those moving into the area, prepare the church to witness to them and build a bigger sanctuary to hold them.

The congregation gathered in October to break ground for a new 234-seat sanctuary. The church, with more than 70 in attendance, began as a church plant in January 1982. They are well positioned in a great location to reach into their fast-growing community. The congregation is currently meeting in "phase one" of their building, which was completed in 1986. It includes the educational wing and fellowship hall. The new sanctuary will be attached to the existing structure and will more than double the facility's capacity, hopefully by November 2004.

Shortly after the groundbreaking and fellowship meal, the church held its first workbee to prepare the ground for foundations to be poured. They plan on many more workbees. Bill Piland, head elder, said his vision was “to see the church filled to capacity each Sabbath with new faces coming and to start planning for a new addition in the future.” With that spirit and with God’s blessing, the dreams of the Graham Church will be fulfilled.

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Featured in: December 2003
