Filipino-American Church Celebrates 10 Years

The Greater Seattle Filipino-American Church recently celebrated 10 years of serving the Lord.

The dream of a new church for the Filipino Americans of the greater Seattle area came closer to reality when, in January 1993, a pastor, Lowell Teves, was hired to work with a core group to build a new body of believers into a church community that would be a light to their community. One month later the group voted on a strategic plan to follow in building their church to a projected membership of 200 within 10 years.

The group was already formed into a company in May 1993 by Lenard Jaecks and Dennis Carlson, the Washington Conference president and secretary at the time. Just two short years later they became the Greater Seattle Filipino-American Church with a membership of 125. The church continued to grow and reach into their community in the greater Seattle area and in the Philippines by feeding the homeless, giving Bible studies, holding evangelistic series and holding medical clinics overseas.

Through a series of miracles a Methodist church was purchased in West Seattle. It was a happy celebration when the congregation was able to move in and have a permanent home from which they could continue to grow.

A decade later, they have reached their goal of 200 members and own their own church building. John Freedman, Washington Conference president, attended the anniversary celebration and during his message pointed the congregation to Jesus Christ as the reason for their success. Freedman also challenged the group to continue their outreach and to plan now to start another church.

The church, along with Teves, has risen to the challenge by dreaming and planning to start two new churches by 2010. Most of all, this congregation's one last goal and dream is to see Jesus Christ come so they may spend eternity with Him.

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Featured in: January 2004
