Port Angeles Presents Moses Chronicles

To the strident cadence of a slave march, six Hebrew slaves struggled up the sanctuary aisle with their burdensome, massive rope to open the Port Angeles (Wash.) Church's presentation of "Moses Chronicles."

Composed by Dick McCoy, Port Angeles member, this original musical play was enjoyed by a full audience on Sabbath evening, Oct. 4. McCoy's reputation in the musical community, combined with posters and gracious publicity by the local radio and newspaper, brought more than 30 visitors to the six-scene portrayal of the life of Moses, one of the most incredible people in secular or Biblical history.

From the basket in the Nile to the adopted son of a royal family, from desert exile to affectionate, sacrificial leader of the Israelite people, this presentation of Moses' life epitomized surrender to God's call and will. Colorful costumes, painted backdrops, choral themes, dramatic background music and solos by Nancy Nedderman and Lynne Scherencel brought the drama to life.

As the 30-member amateur cast and chorus of church members, portrayed the scenes of Mt. Sinai, the golden calf, and Miriam and Aaron's conspiracy against their brother, Moses' passion for God and his people was shown. The play moved on to reveal how his patience eventually failed and how he violated God's standard for leadership by striking the rock. Silence pervaded the room as Moses, left alone to climb the mountain on which he would die, fully surrendered again to God's will.

Rod Scherencel, pastor, presented the epilogue and closing prayer as a first-person account as one of the Israelites. He pointed the audience to the soon-coming Promised Land and encouraged each to be ready to leave this "wilderness" wandering.

This is the second winter that Port Angeles, a small church of approximately 80 active members, has produced a sacred musical as a community outreach. Last December, McCoy's "Dark Days" portrayed the beauty and purpose in the difficult days of Jesus' boyhood and youth.

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Featured in: January 2004
