Conference Welcomes Revival And New Assistant

Do you sense that the Spirit of the living God is at work among us, challenging, reviving, renewing the hearts of the members here in the Washington Conference?

You may be aware by now that the conference executive committee has requested Dave Wolkwitz, in addition to his duties as trust director, to serve as assistant to the president for prayer and revival.

Wolkwitz has begun his work with a four-night revival series in local churches combined with a Holy Spirit seminar, as requests have come. Prayer and revival series have been held in the Bellingham and Everett Forest Park churches, where God’s Spirit has been mightily at work. The meetings were primarily for the local members and wonderful has been the impact that God has wrought!

An individual who had been somewhat on the periphery of meaningful church experience gave her testimony at the end of the meetings. She concluded with tears in her eyes, “I have not been active and [have been] quite bitter against many of you as well. But God has shown me my personal need. Please forgive me for my words and feelings!”

Testimonies like this make it all worthwhile. Let’s pray that the spirit of revival will silently grow and swell all across our conference “like a mighty rushing wind” so we will be ready for Jesus to send the fullness of His latter rain of the Holy Spirit—right here on us—really soon!

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Featured in: March 2004
