Auburn City Hosts Benefit Auction and Breakfast

A silent auction to benefit the work of Auburn City Church women's ministries began with a combined women's and men's ministries prayer breakfast on Sunday morning, March 7. Doug and Wilma Bing shared a devotional thought, which was followed by the silent auction.

The auction was open to the entire church and featured a wide range of items for bidding. A local office store donated a bookcase when it went out of business. A number of Mikasa crystal items and handmade doilies and blankets were up for bid. Services available for bid included catering for an exotic dinner and photography.

After each part of the benefit event was tallied, it raised more than $700 to be used by the church's women's ministries, which regularly supports church and community functions like the Auburn girls' dorm recovery and Polly's Place women's shelter.

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Featured in: June 2004
