Live Nativity at Bonney Lake

The Bonney Lake Church youth group were determined to make a difference in their neighborhood by doing a live nativity. Having done this in the past, this year they worked to make it even better than the year before by including more action on the set. This year the choir sang as the empty nativity set filled up with the biblical characters. Mary and Joseph had a live donkey, and the stable was complete with goats and a llama.

The first night the weather was perfect as neighborhood visitors came by for the two scheduled performances. Spirits were high as the youth planned for the second night. However, torrential rains and wind threatened to blow the nativity sets away. The electricity went out, and the night’s program seemed in jeopardy. However, the entire church it seemed jumped in to save the day and the program went on. Once again guests from the community came to see the great story of Jesus, the real reason for the season.

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Featured in: March 2005