Monroe Church Celebrates Grand Opening

Jan. 15, was the culmination of years of planning, lots of fundraisers, and hours of volunteer labor as the Monroe Church had the grand opening for their new church facility. Monroe members began planning for a new church several years ago. After placing their old church on the market, it was sold rather quickly, requiring a new place to worship.

The local Assembly of God church members graciously let the Adventists use their church rent free. A wonderful location for a new church was found, and plans were drawn up for a new church with a circular design. SAGE volunteers were responsible for the framing, and members gave hours of volunteer labor, helping the project move forward.

The grand opening featured music and greetings from different Monroe community churches. John Freedman, Washington Conference president, challenged and congratulated the church in the morning sermon. Derik Harris, building committee chairman, shared a slide show, featuring the different building stages and the volunteers of all ages who used their many talents to further the building project.

Mike Maldonado, pastor, asked each of the members to come to the front to place a flower on a cross to dedicate themselves to serving Jesus in their new facility. Already the church has planned an evangelistic meeting in April 2005 with Richard Halvorson, North Pacific Union evangelist. This will be a great opportunity for the church to invite the community to their new facility and introduce them to Jesus Christ, their personal Savior.

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Featured in: March 2005
