Amazing Facts Seminar Results in 25 Baptisms

The Greater Seattle Fil-Am Church baptized 25 people as a result of a six-week seminar, held at West Seattle Elementary School. The seminar was presented by Byron Corbett, a young, energetic Amazing Facts evangelist, assisted by Lowell Teves, Fil-Am Church pastor. Children had their own meetings while their parents attended the seminar.

Every night books were given away to the visitors and the members who brought them. But the most exciting part was the drawing of names to win a copy of Strong's Concordance, an exhaustive concordance of the Bible. After the evening sessions, refreshments were served to provide time for the members and visitors to fellowship with one another.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit and through the combined unity and support of the church members and pastoral staff, the Fil-Am Church was able to welcome 25 new members into their church family.

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Featured in: May 2005
