Student Officers Lead the Way at AAA

With the 2006–07 school year off and running, the Associated Student Body (ASB) officers of Auburn Adventist Academy are energized about possibilities and plans for the future.

“I want everyone to be excited about the events we plan, and I hope that people will look back on this school year as the most memorable of their high school experience,” said Laura Hanes, ASB president.

AAA's ASB officers, from left: (front) Kendrick Mensink, social vice president; (middle) Megan Tan, sports coordinator; Jacinta Turner, spiritual vice president; Alexandra Paulsen, public relations; Olivia Luce, secretary/treasurer; Nicole Bartlett, sergeant-at-arms; Andrew Hanek, computer specialist; (back) Mary Kobberstad, Kevin Ramkissoon and John Spanno, faculty sponsors; Ashlie Heilbrun, activities coordinator; Laura Hanes, president; Marita Reyes, photographer; Ryan Peterson, music coordinator; Mike Kahler, faculty sponsor.

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Featured in: October 2006
