Alive Inn Offers Three-Day Wellness Retreats

Beginning in February, Alive Inn: Gateway to Whole Health, in Monroe, Wash., is offering short- and long-term healthy getaways.

The three-day getaway features delicious vegetarian meals, hands-on food preparation experiences, exercise sessions, and classes on nutrition, education and stress management as they relate to health.

In addition to the three-day live-in classes, Alive Inn also offers longer programs, which include scientifically-based lectures provided by health professionals, educational materials, cooking practicum, shopping guides, fitness, outdoor events and housekeeping.

"Alive Inn: Gateway to Whole Health is a place to get well, and learn how to stay well without drugs," said Dan Schwartz, M.D., Alive Inn president. What is unique about Alive Inn, Schwartz said, is that "this is the Northwest's only dietary, lifestyle, and natural health restoration center.”

The lifestyle center offers a homelike facility, room for hands-on learning and areas for socializing.

The center originally served as a senior-assisted living home called Alder Siesta. After owners Leonard and Aldine Klein refined the dietary choices at the facility and discovered the great results, they decided to reorganize Alder Siesta into a lifestyle center not just for seniors, but for anyone interested in improving his or her health.

Alive Inn plans to offer additional retreats about depression recovery and finding freedom from hurtful habits. More information about Alive Inn is available at

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Featured in: February 2007
