Adventists Give and Receive Honor

Seventh-day Adventists in Puyallup, Wash., honored six public servants this fall during a Sept. 11 memorial concert at the Puyallup Fair.

"All of us remember the oneness of spirit, unity and patriotism in the days and weeks after 9/11," says Kieth Noll, Puyallup Church pastor. "In our concert and in our recognition of six public servants, we want to perpetuate that spirit of unity."

The concert combined patriotic songs performed by a 50-voice choir and brass ensemble with awards and recognition. Don Maloy, Puyallup mayor, offered a few remarks saying, "We're coming together at this time and this date to say we do remember our heroes in the past and the heroes in our presence."

The public servants recognized were Mark Ketter, City of Puyallup police officer; Sergeant Todd Karr, Pierce County detective; Eric McNealley, City of Puyallup firefighter/paramedic; Bryan Denman, Pierce County firefighter; Rozalia Jones, U.S. Navy petty officer; Harry D. Tunnell IV, U.S. Army colonel; and Jerrell Gosvenor, airman first class. In addition, Johnny Evans, WWII veteran, was recognized.

Educators Recognized

Earlier this year in August, 150 Washington Conference educators spent an afternoon serving the community. The City of Federal Way expressed their appreciation to the teachers by inviting representatives to attend a city council meeting in October to receive recognition.

"We've been talking [on City Council] about the importance of volunteering and giving back to the community," says Jack Dovey, Federal Way mayor, adding how the city was impressed with how the teachers stepped forward to make a difference in the community.

Design Recognition

In mid-October at the Society of Adventist Communicators in Denver, Colo., Washington Conference's redesigned tithe envelope was recognized as an "Award of Excellence finalist."

The envelope—in English, Spanish and Korean—uses a warm, conversational format to share principles of tithing, offering and stewardship.

The initial English-version design was crafted by Heidi Martella, Washington Conference associate communication director, with designers at Color Press in Walla Walla, Wash., handling the design updates for the Spanish and Korean versions.

Feedback about the redesigned envelope from pastors, treasurers and church members has been positive. "The church leaders tell me ‘It's about time,' to have a tithe envelope like this," says Donna Dickerson, Washington Conference treasury clerk, who handles envelope distribution to churches.

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Featured in: December 2008