Church Prepares to Battle Bugs...Naturally

The promise of "simple, non-drug ways to get and stay well" in the face of winter's approaching cold and flu season brought together a full house of enthusiastic Port Angeles community guests and church members.

Held in the meeting room of the public library on a Sunday afternoon in November, this free class featured four lively presenters. F. Patricia McEachrane-Gross, a medical doctor, set the stage by discussing the immune system and how following each of the eight Laws of Health strengthens it. She also shared self-care and non-drug remedies for 16 common ailments.

The art of simple home hydrotherapy and poultices came to life with demonstrations by registered nurse Sarah Cowles. Gail Marsh, another registered nurse, taught the use and misuse of antibiotics, contrasting these with naturally-occurring antibiotics found in herbs and foods.

Presenter Karen Rushby closed with a fast-paced introduction to juicing. She satisfied the guest's watering mouths with sips of garlic-rich vegetable juice.

Displays, brochures and free drawings for home remedy items reinforced the hopeful theme that we can take charge of our health despite a climate of stretched medical resources and shrinking personal finances.

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Featured in: February 2009
