Reid Introduces Faith and Finance Curriculum

Ed Reid, stewardship director for the Adventist church in North America, presented Faith and Finance, a brand-new stewardship seminar, in Auburn in early April.

Nearly 60 people attended in the morning, and the audience expanded to 101 individuals in the afternoon. The seminar examined biblical financial principles, tithing as a foundation for financial planning, getting out of debt, planning for retirement, and preparing a Christian estate plan—the crowning act of stewardship.

"Tithe is a minimum testimony of our commitment to God," notes Reid. "The church doesn't need tithe money as much as families need blessings [as a result of tithing]."

The seminar ties in with Faith and Finance: Financial Planning with a Faith Factor, new 12-lesson study on biblical money management principles for everything from financing education to making end-of-life decisions. The guide contains helpful forms and Bible study application worksheets.

"Everyone must give an account to God for his or her money management," says Reid. "When we put God first, He will bless us."

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Featured in: June 2009