New World Church President Elected

Ted N. C. Wilson, a vice president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the son of Neal C. Wilson, former church president, was elected World Church president on June 25, during this year's General Conference Session in Atlanta, Georgia. He replaces Jan Paulsen, who has been president since 1999. Wilson, 60, was elected as a general vice president of the Adventist Church in 2000 during the General Conference Session in Toronto, Canada. His 36 years of denominational service include administrative and executive posts in the Mid-Atlantic United States, Africa and Russia. Wilson holds a doctorate in religious education from New York University, a master of divinity degree from Andrews University and a master of science degree in public health from Loma Linda University's School of Public Health. He is married to Nancy Louise Vollmer Wilson, a physical therapist. The couple have three daughters.

Jackson Replaces Schneider as NAD President

Dan Jackson, 61, is the new president of the North American Division, elected June 28 by delegates of the World Church at their business session in Atlanta, Ga. Jackson was appointed by the church's 246-member nominating committee and confirmed by the General Conference Session delegation. He replaces Don Schneider, who has served as president since 2000. Jackson is a native Canadian and, with the exception of five years of service in the Southern Asia Division, has lived and ministered in Canada. He is a graduate of Canadian Union College and Andrews University, from which he holds an master's degree in religion in systematic theology. He comes to this new position from his role as president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. He and his wife, Donna, have three children and four grandchildren.

Pascoe Begins Retirement

Bryce Pascoe, who has served as North Pacific Union Conference executive secretary since 1994, is retiring as of August 1. In addition to pastoral training and experience, Pascoe, who has a master's degree in public health, has served the church in health education positions as well. He and his wife, Genia, plan to remain in the Northwest. The NPUC executive committee expects to select a replacement for Pascoe at its regular August 25 meeting in Ridgefield, Wash. More on Pascoe's ministry will be shared in next month's GLEANER.


In several instances, we have incorrectly used Mount Ellis Adventist Academy or MEAA to describe Mount Ellis Academy (MEA). The official name does not include "Adventist."

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