Educators Seek Jesus as School Year Begins

Adventist educators from western Washington met in early August for teacher in-service meetings.

These two-day meetings offered 125 educators an introduction to a new education leadership team, instruction through workshops and presentations, inspiration through times of worship and prayer, and interaction with fellow educators.

John Freedman, Washington Conference president, opened the session by introducing educators to Kelly Bock, vice president for education, and Paulette Jackson, associate superintendent, and offering a prayer of dedication.

Bock began his first presentation to teachers by asking conference educators to sing "I See Jesus Everywhere I Go" with him.

"I challenge teachers (and everyone else) to spend a thoughtful hour with Jesus," Bock says. "Find a time in the morning or evening — you'll see Jesus everywhere you go."

Bock shared his story about attending nursing school, nearly failing college, finding direction in the Army and discovering his niche in education as a boys' dean.

"I can't imagine a career where I'd meet so many people and make so many memories," says Bock, who has served as a principal and education superintendent on conference, union and division levels in his career. "God led me in directions I never expected to go."

Educators attended workshops on learning styles, classroom management, curriculum resources, school communication and technology. Teacher groups also met for breakout sessions to share resources and ideas.

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Featured in: October 2011