Skagit Students Serve the Homeless

Seventh- and eighth-grade students at Skagit Adventist Academy in Burlington, Wash., began their school year with a community outreach project on Sept. 8.

The classroom of 28 students helped with the Connecting Homeless Project held at Skagit Community College. During the service fair, more than 700 Skagit County homeless could choose from services such as medical care, dental care, haircuts, legal services, food and clothing.

Students helped set up and serve lunch, assisted with the Children's Museum, and handed out toiletries, clothing and food. Students ate lunch with guests and other volunteers and were able to share about God, their school and the local Adventist churches.

The organizers of the event were impressed with the students' enthusiasm and willingness to help. The organizers promised to find more ways for students to help with the next event, and students are already anticipating more service projects.

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Featured in: December 2011
