Northwest Communicators Shine at SAC Convention

Nearly 200 Adventist communication professionals and interested students combined forces at this year's Society of Adventist Communicators (SAC) Convention, held October 20–22 in Chicago, Illinois.

Northwest communicators were well-represented. The Washington Conference communication department received two Best in Class awards for the weekly e-newsletter, Sailing with Jesus; and Accent, the daily newsletter produced for the 2011 conference camp meeting. Heidi Martella, Washington Conference communication director, received honorable mention in the Young Professional Award category.

With additional support from Nancy Semotiuk, Walla Walla University (WWU) communication department chair, two WWU students attended: Bev-Lea Wessels and Heather Bradley-Robbins. Wessels was chosen as the SAC board student-at-large representative for the coming year.

"This is a great opportunity each year for Adventist communicators to sharpen their skills and their vision in presenting a Christ-centered message," says Steve Vistaunet, outgoing SAC president.

Next year's convention is scheduled for October 18–20 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Featured in: December 2011
