Northwest Mission Institute Director Selected

The North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) executive committee, in its November 13 meeting, voted to approve Jason Worf (pictured here with his wife, Joelle) as the director of the newly formed Northwest Mission Institute. The NPUC-sponsored and funded institute will be located at Walla Walla University in College Place, Washington, to train Bible-worker coordinators. NPUC leaders hope these trained coordinators will be available to help local church members learn how to positively engage Bible studies within Northwest neighborhoods and communities. Worf, most recently the publishing director for Amazing Facts, will begin his new role in January to develop the new institute and its initial phases of operation. Watch for more details on this new program in future GLEANER issues.

Hispanic Scholarships Add Value to Adventist Education

More than 200 Hispanic students are in North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) elementary and secondary schools this year because of a new scholarship program sponsored through the NPUC education department. Lanny Hurlbert, NPUC vice president for education, says an estimated $90,000 in scholarship funding was matched with local school- and conference-funds targeted to needy Hispanic students. These scholarships helped several students in Alaska, Idaho and Montana, but most significantly 72 students in the Oregon Conference, 74 in the Upper Columbia Conference and 53 in the Washington Conference. Hurlbert says the response exceeded expectations, but no legitimate request was turned away. Hispanic scholarships will be available again for the 2012–2013 school year. For more information, contact the NPUC education department at 360-857-7027.

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Featured in: January 2012
