Artist Visits Olympia Christian School

Students at Olympia (Wash.) Christian School recently experienced a week of Art Encounter. Projects included making paper-mache masks, painting undersea pictures and building clay tiles with relief for a mural for the school's entry.

The enrichment week culminated with a visit from author and illustrator Richard Jesse Watson of Port Townsend, Wash.

During interactive classes, Watson began with some personal history and then moved through projected examples from his book, The Lord's Prayer, on which he collaborated with Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif.

Students were given pencils and paper so they could follow along as Watson drew characters from his other books. Watson coached students as they drew and encouraged them to loosen their imaginations and fire up the artists within.

After the sessions Watson signed his books and wrote a personal note in each. Students were also given the opportunity to request what they'd like him to draw in the flyleaf.

Watson's next project is to illustrate The Twenty-third Psalm, with comments by Rick Warren. Students promised to pray on Watson's behalf for inspiration, guidance and the ability to complete his project on time.

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Featured in: May 2012
