Camp Meeting Offers Triple Focus

Washington Adventist Camp Meeting, held June 14–23 in Auburn, Wash., had a triple focus this year: ministry training, evangelism and education.

"We believe strongly in the power of church members led by the Holy Spirit to reach out and help their friends and neighbors grow in their knowledge and walk with Jesus," says Doug Bing, Washington Conference vice president for administration.

A new programming feature was the Day of Ministry Training on Sunday morning. Ministry leaders selected from training intensives in health ministry, deacon/deaconess ministry, elder ministry, communication, adult Sabbath School facilitation, treasury ministry, outreach ministry and more. These training sessions, which were at capacity for both sessions, included great dialogue and interaction.

Three sets of weekday workshops also addressed spiritual growth, ministry opportunities and personal development.

Focus on Evangelism

Washington Adventist Camp Meeting continued to focus on evangelism with nightly reports, frequent baptisms and moving stories of transforming faith.

A Sunset Lake Camp staff member shared how she first attended camp from a non-religious home and how God nurtured her heart to accept Jesus Christ into her life. She was baptized July 7.

Morton Church members, who wondered if evangelism could be done in their small Washington town, prayed for 10–15 guests and ended up with 60 people attending.

A lady from Sequim, Wash., had struggled for years with alcoholism when church members met her and provided mental, physical and spiritual nurturing. She was baptized in early June and says, "I've exchanged one spirit for another; now I am spiritually intoxicated."

And the stories continued.

"Numbers used to mean a lot to me," says Bob Paulson, Puyallup Church member and Washington Conference executive committee member. "Now I understand the importance of one person and one changed life."

By the conclusion of camp meeting, Washington Conference members raised $485,039.40 toward a $500,000 evangelism offering goal.

Focus on Education

Adventist Christian education formed the final focus of camp meeting. Students, teachers and education leaders presented a Sabbath afternoon program featuring Early Childhood Education Centers (ECECs), Personalized Adventist Christian Education (PACE) branding, mission trips and education stories.

"Our teachers have the love of God and the love of teaching," says Lori Jessop, board chairwoman at Forest Park School in Everett, Wash. "Education is every bit [a] part of evangelism. It is the other 'E' of evangelism."

Washington Adventist Camp Meeting will next convene June 20–29, 2013, in Auburn, Wash.

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Featured in: September 2012
